Consistent high dose consumption of proteins are known to have harmful impact on Kidneys. But this should not keep one away from having protein supplement, especially those whose daily requirement of nutrition is not fulfilled through their diet. Tyteen does not produce any damage to kidneys as it is only 40% protein in 100 gm. Tyteen is recommended to be consumed when needed by the body the most. Consistent consumption is not required hence not recommended. Tyteen ensures quickest recovery and in no time. It is the only protein & nutrition supplement in the market that do not support continuous consumption. Tyteen is recommended to be consumed in an intermittent fashion (Have-Stop-Have) in order to optimize its effect. One can adapt this protocol as ‘1 month consumption followed by 2 months gap’. Tyteen is not recommended in patients who are suffering with or under the treatment for Kidney disease.
There is a warning and a recommendation from American Association of Oncology that long term use of Soya protein increases of developing cancer. Hence Tyteen uses 100% whey protein which is safe among all sources of proteins for consumption, even long term for that matter. Whey protein is a simplest form of protein which has a peculiar ability to get absorbed quickly, ensure quick results
Tyteen has a group of active digestive enzymes (Stomazyme) in it, used for improving overall digestion in consumers. These enzymes are active in different acidic levels inside stomach (wide range of pH). Hence unlike other nutrition supplements in the market, Tyteen has a relatively short expiry of 2 years only. It is recommended not to store Tyteen beyond prescribed expiry.
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